Thursday, 14 November 2019

Milan, Anpi and Sentinelli organize mail bombing against the Altaforte event: hotel takes away the availability of the congress hall


 Paolo Frosina | 14 NOVEMBRE 2019
There must have been the elite of sovereignty at home, from the psychiatrist Alessandro Meluzzi to the philosopher Diego Fusaro, up to the leader of Casapound, Simone Di Stefano. Gathered to discuss "freedom of expression" and "the importance of personal choices in an era of obscurantism", as well as to launch the season ticket campaign for far-right monthly Il Primato Nazionale. But in less than an hour the event called "Your sovereign choice" - organized for Altaforte on November 28, the publisher close to the turtle arrow - found itself without a home thanks to the joint mobilization of the Anpi and collective I Sentinelli of Milan.

On Thursday morning the two movements flooded the Hilton Grand Hotel Villa Torretta in Sesto San Giovanni, the location designated for the sovereign meeting. And to the surprise of the activists themselves, the structure reacted in record time, immediately withdrawing the availability of the conference room: "We did not understand who was behind this conference, we take the decision to protect customers", explain the management. Thus, once again, it is thanks to the uprising of civil society that Altaforte has been denied a promotional space, as it happened already last May, after the controversy for the presence of one of its stands at the Turin Book Fair.

"As soon as we heard that Casapound intended to organize a conference in Sesto we wrote to the heads of the structure because the democratic history of the city could not be humiliated with a similar initiative," says Lina Calvi, president of the local section of the ANPI. Initiative immediately resumed by the Sentinelli of Milan who invited the 180 thousand followers of their Facebook page to a mail bombing to the hotel management. "The Viminale's latest report says that from 2011 to 2016 there were 20 arrests and 359 complaints against members of Casapound - one could read in the standard text made available for sending - do you really want to host them? How can a hotel that is part of an international chain support sovereignty? How can those who make hospitality their work want more closures and more borders? We are sure that you will want to distance yourself from an organization that openly claims its identity as fascists of the third millennium ", was the conclusion. After a few tens of minutes the campaign had already achieved its goal and the post was updated with an invitation not to write to the hotel anymore.

"From the way the conference was presented to us, it was not clear what kind of event it was," explains a member of the hotel management to "I even thought it was a business convention. After the Anpi e-mail we decided to cancel the availability, but we explained to the organizers that the policy does not enter - he says - We just want to avoid a climate of tension that can ruin the serenity of our guests. Then, of course, we must consider the particular context of our city and the way in which such an event can be perceived by the community ”. Although it is currently ruled by the center-right, Sesto San Giovanni is a historically left-wing municipality with a strong anti-fascist culture and massive workers' presence, so much so that it has earned the nickname "Stalingrado D’Italia".

"It is clear that we would have preferred a choice dictated by reasons of principle. But the important thing is to have reached the goal, moreover in a very fast time ", says Luca Paladini, spokesman of the Sentinelli. "Often, by promoting such events, we clashed with rubber walls. This time it was a pleasant surprise. The merit is certainly due to Anpi which raised the case, but in less than an hour more than 80 people gathered the appeal on our Facebook page by sending an email to the hotel. It doesn't end there, though. The goal is that these reactions become the rule, no longer the exception, "he explains. "I would like everyone to feel embarrassed in granting spaces and places to ideologies contrary to our Constitution. In 2019, the feasibility of fascism is denied ”.

translated by google translated

I though that Diego Fusaro was a kind of neo-communist... hereafter the new that I shared a couple of month ago on this blog:

the answer of Diego Fusaro:

Vox, the complaint of Diego Fusaro: "Don't grant us the room by suggesting that we are fascists is fascist"

By Diego Fusaro -14 November 2019

Vox Italia, a sovereign, socialist and democratic party, organized a presentation conference in Genoa in a cultural circle. After the room had already been assigned, the Director contacted Vox to say that he could no longer grant the room because "he cannot accept the presence of fascists".

Here it is the paradox of the single dominant politically correct and ethically corrupt model: they defame as a fascist everything that does not fully fit into their thinking.

The Genoan association had originally given its consent, but was cornered by anti-fascist organizations in the city that threatened to prevent the conference from taking place "with every possible method". Of these methods, it is obvious that violence cannot be excluded.

Here is another paradox: to prevent a political philosophical conference we resort to methods that in all respects are those of squads.

It is true, fascism is coming back, but with reversed parts.

The real fascism is that of anti-fascism. That of the fuchsia brigades that in the struggle against fascism that does not prevent us from speaking and expressing themselves to all those who do not fully recognize themselves in the single liberal verb.

Vox, the complaint of Diego Fusaro: "Don't grant us the room by suggesting that we are fascists is fascist"