Showing posts with label my best. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my best. Show all posts

Saturday 22 June 2024

I am Free... participate to SL21B (Second Life 21 Birthday)!!!!

"I am Free..."

is the name of the artist.

Photos,  installations and remaking of old freebies are her activities.

Metals - lights - machinery

are her passion.

She’s still looking for her style...

you can enter the 21st edition of SL21B (Second Life Birthday) starting from the Parcel assembled by I am Free...

(if you are so inclined :-)

Sunday 12 February 2023

ABSTRACT - I am Free...'s photos exhibit in Recalcitrante Gallery

I am Free...'s LOGO


Right now you can try an artificial intelligence dedicated to art, or maybe we should say to artistic expression, inside RECALCITRANTE GALLERY.

In my opinion it can find its space if it is considered an INSTRUMENT, which allows us to overcome technical limits, leaving us the imagination, the studies and the many choices.

 So I wouldn't call it 'INTELLIGENCE' but robot, automaton, machine...

by I am Free... with AI technology on mobile phone 

by I am Free... with AI technology on mobile phone 

by I am Free... with AI technology on mobile phone