Klaus Holzkamp - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_Holzkamp
Klaus Holzkamp worked as a professor at the Free University of Berlin. ... Holzkamp's main message is that mainstream psychology serves the interest of the power elite by disregarding the ability of humans to change their life circumstances.
Critical psychology's `historical empirical' method of reconstituting the basic concepts (categories) of psychology yields a conception of the psychical as an objective property of a system of living organisms. The specifically human individual psyche is reflected as a partial aspect of more comprehensive historical, societal structures. Humans do not respond to external stimuli but to meaning structures which are generalized societal possibilities for action. These, however, do not determine action directly, but act only as premises for action. What a person actually does in a situation is mediated by subjective grounds for action, that is, by what appears to be reasonable or appropriate from the standpoint of the subject. The concept of `action potence' is introduced to distinguish between grounds leading to action that merely accommodates external demands and grounds leading to action-usually collective-that alters those demands in order to bring them into line with subjective needs.
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