Thursday 19 September 2019

Populism and 'demophobia', or where right and left meet

Diego Fusaro



Like the cosmopolitan mastery of which they are cultural and political expression, the fuchsia and rainbows left are today "demophobic": they have lost every "sentimental connection" (Gramsci) and every material and immaterial relationship with the people, towards which they feel a sentiment of pure idiosyncrasy (more and more obviously reciprocated).

As I argued in Glebalizzazione. La lotta di classe al tempo del populismo  (Rizzoli 2019), with the derogatory category of "populism" express, precisely, their hatred towards the national-popular masses and, at the same time, their own fear - which is that of the dominant - that they break into the scene of political conflict, leaving Gramscian from their passivity and withdrawing the consent to the project of the global class. Today the words of Machiavelli clearly resound, as a political program of populism: "that of the people is more honest end than that of the great, wanting these to oppress, and that not to be oppressed" (The Prince, IX) .

Whatever the perspective assumed, to emerge clearly, as highlighted by Luca Ricolfi, is the absolute inability of the rainbow lefts to understand the populist phenomenon. Rejection and condemnation are the only attitude they have been able to demonstrate, revealing an unconditional insensitivity to the requests for protection and support that come from below.

Moreover, the new left fuchsia has chosen to incardinate its own program of adhesion to the verb of cosmopolitan liberalism on the a priori delegitimization of every request coming from below, from the national-popular classes: to such a point that, without exaggerations, a large part of the cultural program and political of the market-friendly leftists results in the demonization of every national-popular instance that threatens the hegemony of the globalist financial aristocracy.

If the dominated pole sees in the deregulated mass immigration a drama for its daily survival, the anti-Gramscian left responds that it is, on the contrary, an unmissable opportunity for multicultural growth and defames as xenophobic anyone who does not adapt to his globalist orthopedization .

If, again, the national-popular mass reveals a growing diffidence with respect to globalization, the left replies that it must, instead, be experienced as the maximum opportunity and that those who are not able to understand  are affected by an incurable nationalist crudeness. If, then, the pole of the dominated fears the EU and the possibility of regaining national sovereignty is being vented, the left responds with annoyance that the European project cannot be the problem, because it is, instead, the only solution.

The stigmatization of populism, so dear to the neolanguage, hides in itself a more general stigmatization of the people as such: it is the constant background to what was, with good reasons, defined the age of the "denigration of the masses". The demophobia of liberalist left is, even in this case, the same as the liberal rights.

The intellectual clergy completing the hegemonic power relationship stigmatizes as "populist" any theoretical and political position which, instead of taking the top view of the ruling elite, adopts the antithetical bottom-up, coherent with interests and with prospects of redemption of the national-popular masses defeated by capitalist globalism.

The defense of the common man, the people and the simple has ceased to be associated with the order of discourse of the left, which, indeed, in that defense identifies - not unlike the financial patriciate - dangerous elements, which must be neutralized in the name of holding of the cosmopolitan asymmetrical order in force.

translated with google translate
I totally agree... cinzia opezzi

Glebalizzazione di [Fusaro, Diego]

Diego Fusaro
I was born in Turin in 1983. I teach philosophy at the “Istituto Alti Studi Strategici e Politici” in Milan (IASSP) and I am among the members of the “Eticonomia” project. I consider myself an independent student of Hegel and Marx. Dissident intellectual and non-aligned, they are beyond right and left. I remain convinced that, in every area, the royal road consists in thinking with one's own head, regardless of public opinion and the virtuous chorus of politically correct. Among my most recent works: 
Bentornato Marx! (Bompiani, 2009), Minima mercatalia. Filosofia e capitalismo (Bompiani, 2012), Il futuro è nostro (Bompiani, Milano 2014), Antonio Gramsci. La passione di essere nel mondo (Feltrinelli, Milano 2015), Pensare altrimenti (Einaudi 2017). Sono il fondatore del progetto “La filosofia e i suoi eroi” ( e dell’associazione e rivista “L’Interesse Nazionale” ( For more information about me,