RECALCITRANTE Gallery and Chill Room


1..  RECALCITRANTE CHILL ROOM (installation for dj use)



What I want to do with the 

My idea was to search a place for art installations  in the sims dedicated to music and night clubs, which often open to art in various forms and just as often try to look amazing, sometimes hallucinating:-).


I found an answer in the sim (still under construction) of THE GLOBALCONNECTION that allows me to expose my installations as they are ready, so on an ongoing basis.


as a result, I plan to equip the installation with a space for Djs so that the installation itself becomes a chill room attached to the sim

(which will have a number of premises and which is designed precisely to encourage the work of Djs)


hence the name RECALCITRANTE CHILL ROOM accessible from the teleportation mat at the entrance of the sim



récalcitrant, literally "kicking back" (17c.-18c.), from Late Latin recalcitrantem (nominative recalcitrans), present participle of recalcitrare "to kick back" (of horses), also "be inaccessible," in Late Latin "to be petulant or disobedient;" from re- "back" (see re-) + Latin calcitrare "to kick," from calx (genitive calcis) "heel" (see calcaneus). Used from 1797 as a French word in English.



 is called 


and is a mixture of dream and reality described below:


the theme is always the journey,

constant in the life of the artist:

the movement

the change

the exploration


until the banal transfer

for work reasons


in Second Life she found another

dimension to travel to

especially walking on the streets

and driving a locomotive on the

remarkable heterocetera railroad.



impossible buildings alternate with

perfect reconstructions of reality,

approximations are accompanied by

detailed manifestations of maniacality.


everything existing in the world, or that has existed, that has been thought, imagined, filmed or sung in poetry

here  finds its admirer who tries to produce it

to live in or to show it

or to quote or to decant it.


an orgy of sensations and impressions

that enter into dreams,

modify dreams.


and then the artist comes back to look for

the places she saw in her dreams,

that there are no more

or there are and

maybe they’re different

or they never were there.

how to know?


and then she photograph the possible

and tries to build the impossible...


and another fragment of dream

adds to the reality of second life

