Tuesday, 21 December 2021

grand opening of RECALCITRANTE GALLERY! - 1

hosted in a whole land of music for djs:
a chill room, 
a giant installation in the chill room,
an art gallery in the installation,
photos and small installations 
inside that giant,
dj booths inside small installations...

all this is 
by I am Free...

recalcitrant (adj.)
"refusing to submit, not submissive or 
compliant," 1823, from French 
récalcitrant, literally "kicking back" 
(17c.-18c.), from Late Latin 
recalcitrantem (nominative recalcitrans), 
present participle of recalcitrare "to kick 
back" (of horses), also "be inaccessible," 
in Late Latin "to be petulant or 
disobedient;" from re- "back" (see re-) + 
Latin calcitrare "to kick," from calx 
(genitive calcis) "heel" (see calcaneus). 
Used from 1797 as a French word in 

art works change every two or three 
months (or when we have something 
better to show)