- To leave the deep north and proceed to the south we chose the means you least expect: the berths. We boarded a night train at Hanoi station...
- This animated human made by water droplets pic.twitter.com/e0QhvIvopw — Engineering (@engineeringvids) December 3, 2019
- Chemistry can be one of the most mesmerizing but also dangerous sciences. The mixing of certain chemicals can cause rather unexpecte...
- - of course I have the official documents in which Mr salvini declared himself against the ESM. Here’s an original whatsapp in which...
- https://t.co/ljkbvny43t — Love Maps🗺 (@fuckinglovemaps) December 6, 2019
- This movie is so good. I remember watching it as a child on TV and laughing uncontrollably every time we discussed it with my friends. htt..