Wednesday 27 November 2019

The school lacks concrete pillars, children forced to bring them from home

17 September 2013

A situation of real degradation and deep discomfort grips the population of the small village of the Tuscan hinterland. In fact, thanks to a trumped-up tender, the town of Montespiccioli has squandered money in a school that is currently non-existent.

“The only things that the company was able to build were the foundation and the roof, on the grounds that it was an earthquake-proof construction. Unfortunately we had already started enrollment, and the nearest elementary school, at about 15 kilometers, collapsed this summer due to a downpour. I’m sorry, but the children will be forced to carry concrete pillars from their homes every day. I am sorry, this time the bribes I took I will spend with more bitterness” – declared the mayor of the village Jacopo Ciappelletto.

Striscia la Notizia immediately went to the place to interview some parents who were demonstrating outside the town hall, But jimmy was beaten to a pulp by a bunch of raging moms who took advantage of the popular riot to take some satisfaction.

Meanwhile the lessons in the elementary school“Mark juliano” go on. One child per class, in turn, carries a pillar of concrete from home in the morning, and all together, armed with stucco and trowel, they work to raise the building. In the afternoon they begin to disassemble, guided by the teachers who from below try to coordinate the operations. The children return home upset (not to mention that some of them will have to reassemble the pillar at home) but all in all happy: every day spent studying is a step towards a doctorate abroad.