Thursday 28 November 2019

Claudio's trip - GO WITH THE VIETNAM 7

Barbara’s secret passion

We had stayed at King Mong’s Palace. Actually it is not a palace but a rather large stone house. The King was not a king but a rich man who had become a local lordship of Lum Can. He was a very smart, very clever gentleman who in short also became very powerful in the period between the late 1800s and the early 1900s. He made his own soldier and was in fact chosen by the population as the head of the area. Does he remind you of anyone? He passed on his power to his sons who fought against the French then their fortune vanished and the authorities drove them out of the Palace that was turned into a museum. Does it still remind you of anyone? It was called vuong chinh Duc,

He traded in salt and opium. Our day ends with a visit to his Palace. Every ten kilometers we stop at Barbara’s request whose main activity is to pee. There is no toilet, toilet, latrine or Turkish that Barbara lets pass unharmed. When she sees the words “Nam” (man) or “Nu” (woman”, she starts rocketing. His daily pee production would, I think, improve the pil of any country. I think he’s gonna write a Lonely Planet of toilets around the world. In order to do this he also undergoes visits to which it would be better sincerely to renounce. Like the toilet with five toilets lined up for peeing lovers in company. Every time he comes back, from his smile we can understand the quality of the place visited and the rating awarded. All this sometimes also paid. From two thousand dong (less than seven cents) for the popular, to 5 thousand dong for the lords. So far the expert claims to have seen nothing better than the waterfalls toilets near the village tha phuong Do. Ethnic toilet but great in hygiene and creativity. Vote: five rolls of toilet paper, to equal merit with the Siberian toilets , Pirelli skyscraper style, which he tested in the truck grill on the way to Quang binh.


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