Wednesday 27 November 2019

claudio's trip - GO WITH THE VIETNAM 6

We go into the areas of the Mong ethnic group and visit the famous market of Lung Pinh, market that sees very few tourists and therefore has no parcel. The hillbillies also walk three hours to sell buffalo and buy pots. We arrive in a moment of intense rain and, dressed in multicolored capes (only Annalia wears a megacondom transparent), we get an unprecedented downpour. The water drains everywhere, on our feet, in our necks, in our underwear. But we are among the few tourists and we are proud. We wander among beautiful girls dressed in traditional clothes (the skirt is colorful pleated and swaying) among butchers, herbalists, hardware, clothing, spices, food. It makes me want to get a haircut, but the rain deters me. I’m passionate about an intimate stand where a Giorgio Armani pantsuit excels.

I meet a very nice old lady with traditional clothes, traditional hair, all full of traditional ribbons and all pleated. She looks like a medieval old lady. She turns: she has a Nike backpack. Everything is Vietnamese in size which means the beams are very low. I feel a bang, I turn and find that Annette has given an epic crank. So she learns to be tall. The market is very crowded. From time to time, people get run over by unleashed mopeds that sound like handcuffs and mercilessly slit the crowd of buyers. They also put their buffalo in it. Have you ever seen a buffalo cut the crowd? Stay away from it. Barbara at a certain point feels touched and turns angry to give a smack to the discredited and politically incorrect Vietnamese. But it is a hoax, in the sense of cattle. disappointment. We leave the market and of course the rain ceases. Luna, our little guide (there’s great debate about who is lower, Barbara, Annalia or Luna) tells us that there is also another famous market, always not touristy, where nothing is sold. It’s the love market. Boys and girls go there to get to know each other and chat. It is also very popular because there are few opportunities to get to know each other. The boys in these areas get married very early, around the age of 14 (when they are 30 they are already grandparents). Married couples also go there. You will say: why ever? Simple, For something that resembles the couples exchange. The husband, in fact, is allowed to meet an old flame and so is his wife. For a whole day they can feel free and chat outside the marriage. During the love market you sing you dance you listen to concerts. You mess up all dressed in the traditional way (pants, skirts and jackets are different for each of the sixty ethnic groups). We of course throw ourselves to fish. Let’s go! But the distance does not recommend it. With these roads it would take a whole day. And anyway the Love Market takes place once a year. screwed. We have to settle for the palace of the king of Mong.