Wednesday 16 October 2019

PETROS MARKARIS - booooks and interview

The Costas Haritos series of books (twelve novels and one collection of short stories, as of 2019) are very popular in several European countries such as Greece, Germany, Italy and Spain. Their main hero and first person narrator is a detective in the Athenian criminal police in his fifties, with a squabbling, fairly uneducated, and TV-addicted, but dearly loved wife, an aspiring, but stubborn, law student daughter, and an unpleasant, brown-nosing boss. It is hinted several times that Haritos assisted with the torture of leftist prisoners as a very young man under the Colonels' regime, a fact he is quite ashamed of now, and which makes him insecure whenever ...  keep reading HERE

Zone Defence

Image result for "Che Committed Suicide"

Image result for "Che Committed Suicide"