Tuesday 3 September 2019

Jovanotti shoots to zero on the environmental world:


"It is more polluted than the sewers of New Delhi"
In a long post on Facebook on the Beach Party: «A myriad of shit has been written»

Jovanotti on the stage of the Jova Beach Party

02 September 2019

"I never expected" that "the world of environmentalist associations was so full of poisons, divisions, enmities, improvisation, cialtroneria, tripping between associations, narcissistic protagonism, attempts to stand out by discrediting everything and everyone, spreading false news, taking advantage of the little habit of "fact checking" of many newspapers. The world of environmentalism is more polluted than the drain of the New Delhi sewer! ».

It is a passage of the long and controversial post with which Jovanotti on Facebook returns to defend himself from criticism of the Jova Beach Party and its potential impact on the balance of the environment. "When we started designing JBP - explains the singer - the very first thing we did was contact the WWF to meet them to tell the idea and ask them for an opinion, and I personally put it as a starting condition. WWF, because it is a great historical organization that does not seek visibility at all costs but operates in the field, visibility serves to promote environmental protection and care activities, has specific skills, is rooted in the territories, has a true scientific committee and a real and widespread network of operators and observers ».

And instead, he underlines, «a delirium in social media, a myriad of shit fired at random by anyone, a race for easy like by acronyms and siglettes that took advantage every day of the visibility offered by a popular name and a great event for ride the wave, show off, invent balls, produce false evidence that no one will ever verify because the network is like that. Even 'Lega ambiente' and 'Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali' have recently fallen into a trap set to them by the mythomaniacs who, if they weren't dangerous, would even laugh ».
And urges: "They said we felled trees, exterminated bird colonies, cleared pristine dunes, built helipads (helipads !!!!!), bewildered flamingos, dried up ponds, laid napalm on sugar cane in Southeast Asia , drilled the sea, hired mercenaries, shown armpits to people who did not like certain baffles (especially not like the armpits), sweating too much, enjoyed too much, danced too much, sang too much, disturbing both Don Camillo and Peppone ».

Apart from a critical issue on the beach of Ladispoli ("and we have moved"), "we have taken care - says Jova - of every aspect related to environmental protection by ...

investing more than the available resources, and we have avoided the hairy knot of many scoundrels who hide the anxiety of protagonism behind the mask of environmentalism when they are not dishonestly searching for well-paid positions with public money or donations of people deceived with false images with effect, I repeat: false, deceptive, invented, decontextualized, artfully dramatized ».

«Ecology - he concludes - is a science, if it turns into a battle ground for fans it is a loss for everyone, it is not a question of playing to discuss whether the earth is flat or whether garlic drives out vampires but of science, behaviors, technology, short and long term objectives, local, national and international policies, study, research, inspiration, competence, resources, investments, commitment, serious analysis of the state of things, without panic and with the desire to collaborate ".



WWF Director: '' Jovanotti outburst justified, IT HAS BEEN said so many falsehoods ''

Published on: 03/09/2019 20:1

(by Alisa Toaff)

'' I not only understand Jovanotti's post but I justify it. Jovanotti used strong tones after a summer of strong tones, he wrote a post in a provocative way after a summer where he was told of everything and more and more often also in a false way. Perhaps the expressions that have been used may seem heavy but have been expressed after much more serious things have been said than 'the sewer of Delhi' so I can understand Lorenzo's reaction. Surely for many associations and different committees "the Jova Beach Tour" was an opportunity to look for visibility ". So the director general of the WWF Gaetano Benedetto at the Adnkronos defends Jovanotti after the controversy regarding the post published yesterday by the singer on his facebook profile, where he attacks the environmental world because of the controversies that accompanied the Jova Beach Tour. what he wants to say should be placed in an external position - Benedict continues - environmentalism seen from the outside appears as a scattered world of local comitatism.

The WWF question - which was also the reasoning that led us to be present on Jovanotti's tour since he joined the plastics campaign - is about how we view, breathe and push global battles, including the plastic one ''. "In my opinion, the theme of today's environmentalism - Benedetto emphasizes - must be played on the need to speak to a world that is not ours. Jovanotti places environmentalism in front of an evidence that is what we are scattered and that we have lost the whole vision of the battles that make the difference on environmental issues ". Going back to Jovanotti's post, the director general of the WWF adds: '' I can state with proof the hand that false things have been said! When we read on the social networks that even the last dunes of Rimini have been leveled it is clear that a false thing has been said since there are no dunes in Rimini or when we read, again on social media, that a turtle has been killed, it is about an ignoble and shameful statement ''. "What happened this summer and which caused Lorenzo's reaction is that we wanted to substantiate the legitimate dissent with respect to his or WWF's choice through arguments that were false!", Benedict continues. And speaking of the complaint for the protection of the little brother chick,

Benedict goes on to point out: "There was not a single compromised brother. In Rimini, the brothers who were on the next beach were presided over by the police and by WWF volunteers more than President Trump - he jokes - so they used the tones over the lines ". As regards the role played by the WWF during the Jova Beach Tour, Benedetto explains:" After Jovanotti joined the plastics campaign, the WWF was present both through a form of communication that occurred from above, through messages, both with a stand dedicated to educational activities aimed in particular at children. Then there were information panels and an App linked to the concert. During each event there were our volunteers who did hundreds of interviews to know how the plastic theme was known ". "We distributed a large number of questionnaires and the person who compiled them had the correct answers and the correct information on his smartphone in real time, and this allowed us to reach thousands and thousands of users - he says - The WWF finally operated also in a framework protocol agreement with the Harbor Master's Office present at the WWF stand ", concludes Benedetto.