4) FROM SALINA (in prison isolation) 5 MAY 2020
sabelli fioretti
Privacy, privacy!". Every time a private interest is threatened in some way, the alarm rises high. Privacy is here! Privacy is the right to privacy of a person’s private life. But is it an absolute value, always applicable and everywhere?
It’s not that easy.
You don’t even know how to pronounce the word (ndt: if you are italian). Praivasi? Privasi? Boh.
I even hate the word privacy.
Because everyone thinks that privacy is always and only its own. My privacy is privacy. Your privacy? Who knows. However, the privacy of whoever it is, is a big pain in the ass, often claimed to defend dark interests, often useless, almost always invoked not to say embarrassing things about themselves.
Or allow them to be said. A concept full of contradictions.
The actress trying to establish herself calls the photographers to the restaurant where she is having dinner with a famous producer. But when she becomes a famous actress she dismisses them with contempt claiming the right to privacy of her life.
Everyone has their own idea of privacy, there are a thousand ideas of privacy.
The judge in court: do you plead guilty or innocent?
Your Honor, you must be joking. It’s a matter of privacy between us.
The owner in the company: what are you looking at, on the computer? Are you playing burraco?
Oh don’t you dare! I have the right to privacy.
The nice thing is that every day, at all hours, our privacy is continually violated almost without our knowledge and in the total indifference of the people.
Cookies spy on us and tell all our habits.
Google, Facebook, all social networks are scanning our online life, they take over our illnesses, our tastes, our desires, they know if we are pedophiles, if we are unfaithful, if we like Nutella, if we are quarrelsome, if we believe in God. They know everything.
And yet, now, many of us are shocked if a somewhat invasive app wants to take over our movements by monitoring if and how many times we get out.
Note: we are talking about something probably anonymous and definitely voluntary.
That is: I put this "app" (Immuni) on my cell phone (if I want) and the 'app' marks who I meet and for how long (anonymously).
Oh no, my friends. I appeal to privacy.
That is, on the one hand a theoretical right, on the other hand tens thousands of deadly infections to fight.
There is nothing to do, I give up spontaneously: who cares of privacy.