Thursday 29 August 2019

Conte and the speech on the "government of novelty": "It is the moment of courage".

And it talks about corruption, fair justice, evasion and the environment

The president of the Council appointed, after the meeting with Mattarella, spoke about the next steps and what will be the highlights of the program to which Pd and 5 stars will work. In his speech, just as he had done in the Senate ten days ago, he spoke of a "culture of rules" and respect for institutions. But also of the "best" country to aspire to, whose bases must be "quality education", "safe infrastructure" and "combating inequality"

AUGUST 29, 2019


The fight against corruption is "a fairer and more efficient justice, where taxes pay everyone, but everyone, but pay less". Then "the culture of respect for the rules and the Constitution". And, to make Italy recover "the time lost" in Europe and become a "better country", start again with: education, respect for the environment, "safe infrastructures" and "removal of inequalities of all kinds". The Conte 2 starts here. The first official step of the Giallorossi government was naturally made by the President of the Council appointed Giuseppe Conte. After meeting the head of state, he illustrated the central points that will inspire the program that will be drawn together with the political forces. And in his speech he touched on all the topics that can most easily unite the new government members: the Democratic Party and the 5-star Movement. The premier recalled that he was not at the first experience as premier and admitted that he had "doubts and perplexities" about the change of alliance, but, he said, "this is the moment of courage". Which for him also means, in this delicate phase, "working for the general interest of all citizens", "no one excluded": a concept dear to both the Democrats and the "no one should be left behind" always claimed by Beppe Grillo. "I don't know if I succeeded," said Conte, "but I have always tried to pursue the common good and not the interests of part or individual political forces. These are the elements of coherence that I carry and with which I intend to lead the government ". And, "of my own I will add so much passion, which comes naturally to me in serving the country I love".

The premise made by Conte is that we need to "get out of the political uncertainty triggered by the government crisis as soon as possible": "I will point out immediately that it will not be a government against", was the debut. A very significant phrase that indirectly responds to those who, Lega in primis...

accuse Pd and M5s of having united only to "prevent the Carroccio" from governing. "It will be an executive for the good of the citizens, to modernize the country, to make our nation even more competitive in the international context, but also more just, more supportive, more inclusive. I will implement a government in the sign of novelty ”. So he used the words "reforms" and "hope": "This is the time of a new season, a wide season of reform, revival and hope, which offers the country answers and certainties". So the prime minister in charge touched on one of the issues that Mattarella mostly asked for guarantees in the last government experience: the role of Italy in Europe. "We are at the dawn of a new EU legislature," he said, "and we must make up for lost time to allow Italy to play the leading role it deserves. The country has the need to proceed quickly ". Just the speed and the clear decisions were two of the requests made by Mattarella in these days of negotiations and mediations.

Conte has therefore designed what he believes is the "best" country to which Italy must aspire. "I propose to create a work team that relentlessly dedicates itself with all its skills and energy to offer our children the opportunity to live in a better country." We will open, "a reforming season, of revival, of hopes, which offers the country certainties". We will work, he continued, for "a country that has safe infrastructures, efficient networks, that feeds with renewable energies, that enhances the common goods, that integrates eco-sustainable well-being, which removes inequalities of all kinds, into its own political agenda" . But not only that, Italy must be a country “in which education is quality and open to all, at the forefront of research and the most sophisticated technologies, which stands out internationally for protecting the environment, for the protection of biodiversity and the seas, which has safe infrastructures and efficient networks, which feeds mainly with renewable energies, which enhances the common assets and the artistic and cultural heritage, which integrates fair and sustainable well-being in its political agenda ". One country, he added, "which removes all kinds of inequalities: social, territorial, gender, which is a reference model, at an international level, in the protection of people with disabilities, who do not let their youthful energies disperse outside national borders, but a country that is indeed highly attractive for young people residing abroad, who see a South finally thriving with all its human, natural and cultural riches, a country in which the PA is not permeable to corruption and is friendly with citizens and businesses; with a fairer and more efficient justice, where taxes pay everyone, but everyone, but pay less ”. And, among the interventions he will put into practice as soon as possible, he guaranteed: "I will immediately work for a maneuver that contrasts the increase in VAT, protects savers, gives a solid prospect of growth and social development".

The prime minister in charge is also divided by respect for the rules and institutions. Concepts that he had expressed very clearly in his speech in the Senate, addressing former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini and shortly before resigning as Prime Minister of the government of Venice. "I work in the awareness of working in the interests of all citizens and to serve the country by looking at the common interest," he said. "I will want consistency in the culture of rules, principles that cannot be negotiated and written in our Constitution starting from the primacy of the person. To continue with work, equality, respect for institutions, religious freedom and the defense of national interests. All this within the framework of multilateralism ". And it closed: "The goal is to increase the already recognized prestige of our country. It is the moment of courage and determination to design a better country without being held back by obstacles. I will put all my passion into it ".

Conte also stressed a concept, already recalled in recent days and even quoted by Di Maio yesterday in his speech after the meeting with the President of the Republic: the idea of ​​"a new humanism". "Very often in the public interventions so far I have mentioned the formula of a new humanism, I never thought it was the slogan of a government but the ideal horizon of the country. I have always tried to act in the interest of all citizens, without exception. I do not know if I succeeded, but I have always tried to pursue the common good and not the interests of part or individual political forces. These are the elements of coherence that I carry and with which I intend to lead this government ".